Saturday, February 18, 2017

Celebrating Chocolate with Art

For our February Wheeler Gallery show, Paradise Art Center member artists were joined by artists who had contributed to the 2016 Paradise Chocolate Fest Cookbook for a collaborative art show celebrating chocolate. This exhibition included a many styles, media, and subject matter that included, depicted, or represented chocolate in some way.

The show opened with a well-attended reception on February 4th. Visitors were able to enjoy a wide variety of chocolate treats and to purchase copies of the Chocolate Fest cookbooks.

Paradise Art Center member artists who participated in this show were invited to exhibit their art at the next Paradise Chocolate Fest, completing this collaborative circle.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sealing the Time Capsule

Our time capsule has been sealed! Treasurer Vicki Farrell and President Cathryn Hudin took care of this task at the February board meeting. While time capsules are usually buried, this one will remain in display at the art center until it's time to open it in September, 2066.